A New Leaf Florist is committed to providing its customers with the highest quality of fresh flowers and plants.


Our Mission

Whether it's for your special event or just to brighten someone's day, we shop the flower markets daily to make sure our product is the freshest possible and to keep up with any new or unique flowers and foliages that are available.

All of our arrangements are custom-made. So whatever style you are looking for - sophisticated, creative, fun and whimsical, seasonal, natural, or contemporary - A New Leaf Florist can create the perfect composition to express your feelings through flowers. Our designers are happy to either create a specific look you may have in mind or provide creative suggestions.

The staff at A New Leaf prides itself on always being friendly and helpful. We look forward to working with you and taking care of all of your floral needs.



Tiffany Terry is proudly the new owner of A New Leaf Florist...

"For me, working at A New Leaf was more than just a job, and taking over the reins of this inspired business is a dream come true. As an award-winning designer, I have a total of 23 years in the floral industry and I earned my degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship from Northern Kentucky University. With this experience and education, the love and support of my amazing family and friends, and everything that I have learned from the previous owner, Linda, I feel fully equipped to be an excellent business owner and a steward of this unique, well-respected, and creative floral business that has been passed on to me."

- Tiffany "Petal" Terry


Linda Sabatina founded A New Leaf Florist in 2000 with her then business partner, Barry Rose. She grew and built this business for 21 years before selling the flower shop to Tiffany. She is amazingly talented and we strive to uphold the standards she set.

Hannah M. has been with A New Leaf Florist since October 2022. She has a background in wedding design and has been a wonderful addition to our team.


Hannah G. has been with A New Leaf Florist since October 2022. She makes a great addition to the team as she is extremely knowledgeable about plants and is excited to grow her design talents here with us!


We’re so excited to welcome Lexi to the team! She has flower shop experience and we love her willingness to jump in and take on any task!